Have you ever accidentally burned yourself with a hot tool? The sizzle and burn are real! It’s actually identical to accidentally burning oneself when pulling something from an oven. Imagine how that can burn your hair?
Believe it or not, our hair is an extremely delicate fabric. Yet we burn it with heat, yank it with brushes and pull it with elastics. If we can approach our lovely locks like the finest piece of silk that it is, I guarantee you, the hair will respond. Here are some tried and true tips that I swear by:
*shampoo the roots only; condition the mid/ends only. Your roots do not need conditioner and your ends do not need shampoo.
* wash your hair 2-3 times a week. If you need to wet it, run conditioner through it.
* use hot tools sparingly on the lower setting with only one pass.
* wear a silk scrunchie at night
* don’t use a round brush on soaking wet hair. Make sure your hair is 75% dry and then go in with a round brush. Our hair is super fragile when wet so we need to baby it.
* use a microfiber towel
* Replace a lightening service with a glossing service once or twice a year. Your hair will thank you.
